
"One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple." - Jack Kerouac

Reading Journal: Surely You Are Joking, Mr. Feynman!

Adventures of a fascinating character

13 mins read

Make it work, then make it better

Perfect is the enemy of good

3 mins read

All Models are wrong, some are useful

It is inappropriate to be concerned about mice when there are tigers abroad.

6 mins read

Robert Wang, P.E.

lambo where?

1 mins read

October Reset

Why did I stop blogging for a month and a half?

4 mins read

Little Miss Sunshine

A memorable tragicomedy. Best film I've seen all year.

6 mins read

Reading Journal: Freakonomics

A book that defies expectations. By Steven Levitt and Stephan Dubner

10 mins read

Reading Journal: Peak - Secrets From The New Science of Expertise

Excellence through deliberate practice

18 mins read


Reflecting on my ever growing collection of self-help books

1 mins read

Reading Journal: What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 - Tina Seelig

A bestseller in the self-help category for students and young professionals

10 mins read

Reading Journal: Of Mice and Men

A thrilling short story from another era by John Steinbeck

7 mins read

The Fall of Icarus

The world moves on, apathetic to our struggles and triumphs

2 mins read

Goodbye YouTube; Hello World

Battling internet addiction. Digital Detox.

3 mins read

Reading Journal: The Ostrich Paradox

Why we underprepare for disasters

4 mins read

Reading Journal: Open

An autobiography of the former tennis champion Andre Agassi

9 mins read

Reading Journal: Animal Farm

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others

13 mins read